Senior--55+ Meals - 340006

Sr-Community Lunch-02/12

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Sr-Community Lunch-02/12

Meeting Details

Time: 11:00 am - 1:30 pm
Days: Wed
418 Payne Road
Scarborough, ME, 04074


Age older than or equal to 55.00 and younger than or equal to 110.00. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Minimum 2 days before the Item(s) begin date. Cutoff time on last day is before 12:00P.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 11/18/24 @ 8:00am.
Household Category of Non-Resident.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 11/12/24 @ 8:00am.
Household Category of Resident.

Sr-Community Lunch-02/12

Join us on Wednesdays for our catered lunches, a great opportunity to enjoy a meal and connect with friends.
Our weekly lunches are in partnership with Southern Maine Agency on Aging and are held in the Community Services Hub, located at 418 Payne Road in Scarborough.
Everyone is welcome! There is a suggested donation of $8 for meals which can be paid at check-in when you enter the building.
For participants under 60, or those who do not want to complete the Southern Maine Agency on Aging registration form, you may enjoy the meal for full price of $10
Doors will open up at 11:00 am with lunch served promptly at 11:30 am.

To register for a lunch or to cancel your reservation, please call Community Services at 730-4150 no later than 12:00 pm by the Monday prior. If you do not cancel and do not attend, you will be asked to still pay for that missed meal.
MEAL: Pizza, chips,and salad
PROGRAM: Beat the winter blues with laughter yoga. Laughter yoga uses lighthearted movement and deep breathing to encourage intentional laughter.
Studies suggest it may improve mood, sleep, and overall well-being. So if you're looking for a reason to laugh, come join us!


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