Teen Trips - 111245

Teen Trip W4: Hiking at Sawyer Mountain Highlands

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Activity Details

Teen Trip W4: Hiking at Sawyer Mountain Highlands

Meeting Details

Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Days: Tue
Facility: Off-Site Facility


In or above Grade 7.00 and in or below Grade 8.00
Transaction Date/Time on or after 04/08/24 @ 8:00am.
Household Category of Resident.
Household Category of Non-Resident.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 04/15/24 @ 8:00am.


Transaction Date/Time after 07/05/24 @ 4:00pm.

Teen Trip W4: Hiking at Sawyer Mountain Highlands

We will hike this moderate mountain. Round trip will be approximately 4.4 miles. Participants should wear sturdy, comfortable shoes.
Participants should wear sturdy, comfortable shoes. Pack your lunch (no glass or soda please). Participants will be asked to have a hiking buddy to stay with on the trail. Adult chaperones will not necessarily be assigned to specific groups, but will be monitoring all groups.


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