Adult Programs - ADULT

AA-Sea Dogs Game

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Activity Details

AA-Sea Dogs Game

Meeting Details

Time: 4:45 pm - 10:00 pm
Days: Fri
Facility: Off-Site Facility


Age older than or equal to 21.00 and younger than or equal to 120.00. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 04/08/24 @ 8:00am.
Household Category of Resident.
Household Category of Non-Resident.
Transaction Date/Time on or after 04/15/24 @ 8:00am.


Transaction Date/Time after 06/03/24 @ 4:00pm.

AA-Sea Dogs Game

Join us for a Sea Dogs game! Sit in the coveted Pavilion and enjoy a 2-hr buffet of hot dogs, hamburgers, pulled BBQ chicken, sides, dessert, and Coca-Cola products. The food starts an hour before the game starts and runs for an hour into the game, giving you great opportunities to have a meal and watch the game. Enjoy fireworks at the end of the game!
Includes transportation, ticket, and 2-hour buffet meal.
Approximate return time is 10:00 pm.


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