BEFORE PROCEEDING . . . Please be sure you are logged into your organization's account and not your personal household account. If you need to obtain the correct user name and password for your organization, please contact Community Services at 730-4150. We ask that there only be one designated person who makes space requests per organization.

Your selected facility is not reserved until a confirmation receipt is sent to you by Community Services. Facility requests submitted less than 14 days in advance of the desired event date will be denied.

For those wishing to request multiple dates for the same facility (i.e. monthly meetings or multi-week programs), please complete only one facility request and enter your additional dates in the Special Comments box. Please be sure to double-check your additional dates on the Availability Calendar before submitting them with your request.

WebTrac Facility Search

Search ResultsShowing results 1-5 of 5

Conference (School)

Date Location Description Column #3 Column #4
Jan19 Municipal Building Item Details
No Times Available

Conference (TMCR)

TMCR = Town Manager's Conference Room. This room has one large conference table with 14 chairs. This is the only set-up available. This room is available after 5:00 pm. Please be aware that non-governmental group reservations may be bumped at any time for official town meetings. These changes can be made last minute; therefore, plan accordingly with your meeting announcements/advertisements.
Date Location Description Column #3 Column #4
Jan19 Municipal Building Item Details
No Times Available

Council Chamber A

Please be aware that non-governmental group reservations may be bumped at any time for official town meetings. These changes can be made last minute; therefore, plan accordingly with your meeting announcements/advertisements.

Additionally, if non-governmental groups reserve any room in town hall during regular business hours (M-F 8am-4pm), attendees must park in the high school parking lot to allow our citizens to park in the front and back parking lots for daily business. Access to the building is available at the rear entrance to town hall and close to the high school parking lot.
Date Location Description Column #3 Column #4
Jan19 Municipal Building Item Details
No Times Available

Council Chamber A&B

Please be aware that non-governmental group reservations may be bumped at any time for official town meetings. These changes can be made last minute; therefore, plan accordingly with your meeting announcements/advertisements.

Additionally, if non-governmental groups reserve any room in town hall during regular business hours (M-F 8am-4pm), attendees must park in the high school parking lot to allow our citizens to park in the front and back parking lots for daily business. Access to the building is available at the rear entrance to town hall and close to the high school parking lot.
Date Location Description Column #3 Column #4
Jan19 Municipal Building Item Details
No Times Available

Council Chamber B

Please be aware that non-governmental group reservations may be bumped at any time for official town meetings. These changes can be made last minute; therefore, plan accordingly with your meeting announcements/advertisements.

Additionally, if non-governmental groups reserve any room in town hall during regular business hours (M-F 8am-4pm), attendees must park in the high school parking lot to allow our citizens to park in the front and back parking lots for daily business. Access to the building is available at the rear entrance to town hall and close to the high school parking lot.
Date Location Description Column #3 Column #4
Jan19 Municipal Building Item Details
No Times Available